Addax are one of the largest African antelopes.
Addax Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Addax
Species: Nasomaculatus
Addax in Foreign Languages:
Irish: adacs
Latin: pygargus
Other Names: Screwhorn Antelope, Screw Horn
Antelope, African Antelope, Addax Antelope, Beaudoin,
Abu-Akach, Addax à Nez Tacheté, Akash, Anjidohl,
Antilope Addax, Antilope Blanche, Antilope de
Mendès, Auel, Bakra el onash, Begaar el Ouach,
Mendesantilope, Tamita,
Conservation Status: It is estimated that
there are fewer than 500 wild addax. The biggest
threat to the addax is habitat encroachment.
Size: Addax stand 3 feet tall at the shoulder.
Addax measure 3.6-4.3 feet in length and weigh
132 to 264 lbs. Male addax are slightly larger
than their female counterparts. An addax's horns
can reach 3-4 feet in length.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
