Walrus are large pinnipeds, they are semi-aquatic
and layered in blubber.
Walrus Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia
Superfamily: Pinnipedia
Family: Odobenidae
Genus: Odobenus
Species: rosmarus
Other Names:
Walrus in Foreign Languages:
Danish: Hvalros
Dutch: Walrus
Estonian: Morsk
Finnish: Mursu
French: Morse
German: Walross
Greenlandic: Aaveq / Aaffaffak
Irish: Rosualt
Italian: Tricheco
Latvian: Valzirgs
Lithuanian: Veplys
Norweigan: Hvalross / Kvalross
Polish: Mors
Portuguese: Morsa
Romanian: Morsa
Slovak: Mrož
Spanish: Morsa
Swahili: Nguva Aktiki
Swedish: Valross
Turkish: Mors
Vietnamese: Con Moóc / Con H'i

Conservation Status: Endangered

Size: Walrus are 7.25 to 11.5 feet in length
and they can weigh up to 1.5 tons! Male walrus are typically
larger their their female counterparts.
Habitat: Walruses are circumpolar, but they
are concentrated in geographically separated areas.
Walruses prefer water that is no deeper than 260 feet,
and they prefer a habitat with a gravelly bottom.
Description: Walrus have large barrel shaped
bodies, with two front flippers and two back flippers.
The front flippers are used for walking on land. Walrus
have long tusks and numerous whiskers on their nose.
Walrus have thick skin that is a cinnamin-brown color,
but it may appear lighter colored when cold. Walrus
bodies are encompassed in a thick layer of blubber.
Diet: Walrus will feed on clams, mussels and
other bottom dwelling marine life. Walrus will feed
on baby seal carcasses when food is scarce.
Communication: Walrus communicate using
bellows, growls, taps, knocks, grunts, barks,
soft whistles, rasps, and clicks.
Did You Know?
Walrus spend up to two thirds of their
life in the water.
Gestation: Walrus carry their young for 15 to
16 months.
Birth: Walruses haul out to rest and bear their
young. Wlarus calves are born ash gray to brown. Newborn
walrus calves are 99-165 lbs at birth and they measure
between 3-4 feet long.
Sexually Mature: Female walrus sexually mature
around 5 to 6 years of age. Male walrus are sexually
mature between the ages of 8 to 10 years of age, but
they do not typically reproduce until 15 years of age.
Life Span: Walrus have an average life
span of up to 40 years.
Did You Know?
Male walrus are referred to as bulls,
while female walrus are referred to
as cows.
Social Structure: Walruses are highly social
animals, they congregate in large numbers. Walrus will
haul out in herds. Male and female walrus form separate
herds during the non-breeding season.