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Babirusa Gifts

The Babirusa are a genus, Babyrousa, in the pig family found in Wallacea, or specifically the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula and Buru.


Babirusa resemble the domestic pig, but are actually thought to be related to the hippo.

Babirusa Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Suidae
Genus: Babyrousa

Babirusa in Foreign Languages:

babiruso, virbabiruso, babirusino, babirusido, virbabirusido, babirusidino
French: babiroussa
German: Hirscheber, Babirusa, , männlicher Hirscheber, weiblicher Hirscheber
Irish: babarúsa
Italian: babirussa
Malay: babi rusa

Other Names: Wild East Indian Swine, Pig Deer, Pig-Deer,

Conservation Status: Babirusa are protected in Indonesia and poaching is illegal. Commercial logging in the area threaten the babirusa by the loss of habitat, exposing them to hunters.

Babirusa have stout-bodies with short-tails similar to that of a domesticated pig. The Babirusa stands 25 to 30 inches at the shoulder. Babirusa's bodies are 3.5 feet long and weigh up to 220 pounds.


Conservation Status: Vulnerable or Endangered

Habitat: Babirusa are native to Sulawesi, some of the Togian Islands, the Sula Islands and Buru. The preferred habitat of babirusa are tropical rainforests along river banks

Description: Babirusa have a rough, gray hide that is almost entirely hairless. Males Babirusa are have four tusks, two of which come right out of the animal's snout.

Behavior: During the day Babirusa will wallow in mud at night they tend to forage for food.

Diet: Babirusa have an omnivorous diet with an intestinal tract similar to that of the domestic pig. The diet of the babirusa includes leaves, roots, fruits, , nuts, insect larvae, or sometimes even small animals and animal material.

Did You Know?

Babirusas are fast runners and swims readily.

Gestation: Babirusa carry their young for 150 to 157 days.

Communication: Babirusa communicate with low grunts or moans, and by clattering their teeth when excited.

Birth: Babirusa give birth to litters of 1 to 3 babies. Baby Babirusa will nurse for 6 to 8 months.

Sexually Mature: Babirusa will sexually mature between 1 to 2 years.

Life Span: Babirusa live up to 24 years.

Did You Know?

The babirusa does not have many enemies, namely only two wild dogs and humans.

Social Structure: Male babirusa tend to live solitarily while adult females can be found in groups with young. Groups of female babirusa and young babirusa in groups of up to 84 individuals.

.Babirusa Gifts




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