Yak are related to cattle.
Yak Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Bos
Yak in Foreign Languages:
Czech: jak
Dutch: jak
Esperanto: gruntbovo
Finnish: jakki
French: yack, yak
Georgian: iaki
German: Yak, Jak
Hungarian: jak
Icelandic: jakuxi
Ido: yako
Italian: yak
Japanese: yaku
Macedonian: jak
Mongolian: sarlag
Navajo: béégashii'ilí
Polish: jak
Romanian: iac
Russian: jak
Slovene: jak
Spanish: yac, yak
Swedish: jak
Turkish: yak
Other Names: Grunting Ox,
Size: The wild yak can weighs up to 2200 lbs
and stands up to 6.5' at the shoulder. Females
are typically 1/3 of the weight of male yaks.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Habitat: Yak are found in the the Himalayan
region of south Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and
as far north as Mongolia and Russia.
Description: Yaks are heavily built animals
with a bulky frame, sturdy legs, and rounded cloven
hooves. The wild yak has a dense undercoat of soft,
matted fur which is covered by generally dark brown
to black outer hair. Yak's have a long, shaggy coat
that reaches almost to the ground.
Behavior: Yaks are quiet, intelligent creatures.
Diet: Yaks are herbivores eating primarily
Did You Know?
Yaks were domesticated in Tibet.
Gestation: Yaks carry their young for approximately
257 to 270 days.
Birth: Yak's give birth to a single calf every
2 to 3 years. Yak calves become independent a year after
their birth.
Sexually Mature: Yaks sexually mature between
18 months to 4 years of age.
Life Span: Yaks typically live 15 to
20 years.
Did You Know?
The wild yak is supremely well adapted
to the harsh highlands with a thick
coat, great lung capacity, and ability
to clamber nimbly over rough terrain.
Social Structure: Most wild yaks travel in large
herds with their young, they are often found in herds
with up to 100 or more animals of all ages. Herds of
yaks will occur yaks of both sexes.