Bison are large mammals within the subfamily
Bison Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Bison
Other Names: Bison and buffalo are often
used interchangeably, but they are not necessarily
the same.
Bison in Foreign Languages:
Albanian: bizon
Armenian: bizon
Bulgarian: bizon
Catalan: bisó
Cherokee: yvsu
Cree: paskwaawimostos
Czech: bizon
Danish: bison
Dutch: bizon / buffel
Esperanto: bizono
Estonian: piison
Finnish: biisoni
French: bison
German: Bison / Büffel
Greek: vísonas
Hawaiian: papulo
Hebrew: bizon
Hopi: mosayru
Hungarian: bölény
Irish: bíosún
Italian: bison
Japanese: yagyu / Amerika yagyu
Korean: deulso
Lithuanian: bizonas
Mandarin: ye niú
Navajo: ayání
Norwegian: bison
Polish: bizon
Portuguese: bisão
Romanian: bizon
Russian: bizón
Scottish Gaelic: buabhall
Shoshone: bozheena
Slovakian: zubor
Slovenian: bizon
Spanish: bisonte
Swedish: bisonoxe
Taos: kònéna
Turkish: bizonu
Ukrainian: bizon

Conservation Status:
Approximately 500,000 bison live across
North America today

Size: Bison stand at 6-6.5 feet at the shoulder,
they are 10-12.5 feet long. Bison weigh from 900-2000
lbs. Male bison are typically larger than their female
Species: Bison were hunted until almost extinction,
the bison of today are cross bred with large cattle.
There are currently two species of bison currently recognized:
American Bison (aka American Buffalo) and the European
Buffalo (aka European Wisent).
Habitat: American Bison are found throughout
North American, with concentrations in the US plains
and Western Canada. The European Wisent is now only
found in modern Poland and the former Soviet Union.
Senses: Bison have poor eyesight, but have acute
hearing and an excellent sense of smell.
Description: Bison have a shaggy, long, dark
brown winter coat, and a lighter weight, lighter brown
summer coat. Bison are migratory.
Behavior: Bison are habitual wallowers, wading
into swampy rivers. Bison's have unpredictable behavior
and can attack without any reason or prompting.
Diet: Bison are nomadic grazers and travel
in herds.
Did You Know?
A bison herd travels at can move at
speeds of up to 35 mph.
Gestation: Bison carry their young 270-285 days.
Birth: Bison give birth to a single calf at
a time. By one year of age the bison weighs around 400
Life Span: Bison live 8-22 years in the wild.
While bison typically live over 30 years in captivity.
Social Structure: Bison travel in herds.