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Leopard Gifts

The leopard is an agile and stealthy predator. Although smaller than the other members of the Panthera genus, the leopard is still able to take large prey given its massive skull that well utilizes powerful jaw muscles. Leopards show a great diversity in size. Males are about 30% larger than females. Leopards show a great diversity in physical appearance, particularly because of the wide variations in color coat and rosette patterns.


Leopards are large cats.

Leopard Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Species: Pardus

Other Names: Panther

Leopards in Foreign Languages:

Tier / Luiperd
Bosnian: Leopard
Dutch: Luipaard
Esperanto: Leopardo
Estonian: Leopard
Finnish: Leopardi
French: Léopard
German: Leopard / Pard / Pardel / Parder
Greek: Leopárdali
Hungarian: Leopárd
Indonesian: Macan Tutul
Italian: Leopardo
Latin: Leopardus / Pardus
Lithuanian: Leopardas
Navajo: Naakaii Lizhiní Bikéyahde´e´' Náshdóítsoh Likizhígíí
Norwegian: Leopard
Portuguese: Leopardo
Romanian: Leopard
Russian: Leopárd
Slovenian: Leopard
Spanish: Leopardo
Swahili: Chui
Swedish: Leopard
Turkish: Leopar / Pars

Size: Leopards are 4.25 to 6.25 feet in length with a tail measuring 3.5 to 4.5 feet. Leopards typically weigh 66 to 176 lbs. Male leopards are typically larger than their female counterparts.

Gestation: Leopards carry their young for 3 to 3.5 months.

Did You Know?

Leopards are capable of killing prey larger than itself.

Habitat: Leopards are found in Asia, eastern and central Africa. Leopards are found in forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts.

Description: Leopards come in a wide variety of coat colors, from a light buff or tawny to a dark shade of brown. The spots, or rosettes on leopardss, are circular in East African leopards but square in southern African leopards.



Conservation Status:
Near Threatened / Endangered

All eight subspecies of leopards are endangered.

Diet: Leopards are carnivores. Leopards are agile and stealthy predators. Leopards often hunt from trees. Their spotted coats allow them to blend with the leaves, they spring with a deadly pounce on their unsuspecting prey. Leopards prey on antelope, deer, pigs, fish, monkeys, baboons, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, large birds, cheetah cubs, and porcupines.

Birth: A typical leopard litter includes 2-3 kittens. A leopard kitten only weighs at 1 pound at birth.

Sexually Mature: Leopards are sexually mature around the age of three.

Life Span: The average life span of a leopard is 12 to 15 years in the wild.

Did You Know?

Leopards will often drag their captured prey into a tree to prevent scavengers like hyenas from getting it.

Social Structure: Leopards are solitary and go out of their way to avoid each another.

Leopard Gifts

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