Pelican are large social water fowl.
Pelican Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Pelecanidae
Genus: Pelecanus
Other Names:
Pelican in Foreign Languages:
English: Pelican
Afrikaans: pelikaan
Albanian: pelikan
Azerbaijani: qutan
Basque: pelican
Catalan: pelicŕ
Croatian: pelikan
Czech: pelikán
Danish: Pelican
Dutch: pelikaan
Estonian: pelikan
Filipino: pelikano
Finnish: pelikaani
French: pélican
Galician: Pelican
German: Pelikan
Haitian Creole: Pelican
Hungarian: pelikán
Icelandic: Pelican
Indonesian: Pelican
Irish: soilse
Italian: pellicano
Latvian: pelikans
Lithuanian: pelikanas
Malay: Pelican
Maltese: pellikan
Norwegian: Pelican
Polish: pelikan
Portugese: pelicano
Romanian: pelican
Slovak: pelikán
Slovenian: pelikan
Spanish: pelícano
Swahilii: Mwari
Swedish: pelikan
Turkish: pelikan
Welsh: pelican

Conservation Status: Brown Pelican is
Some species are Vulnerable

Species: There are eight living pelican species.
Pelican Species:
Brown Pelican - Pelecanus occidentalis
Peruvian Pelican - Pelecanus thagus
Spot-billed Pelican - Pelecanus philippensis
Pink-backed Pelican - Pelecanus rufescens
American White Pelican - Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Great White Pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus
Dalmatian Pelican - Pelecanus crispus
Australian Pelican - Pelecanus conspicillatus
Size: Pelicans have a body length of approximately
5.8 feet, and their wingspan can reach up to 10 feet.
Pelicans can weigh up to 30 lbs.
Habitat: Pelicans are found on every continent
except for Antarctica. Pelicans frequent inland and
coastal waters.
Description: Pelicans are large sea birds. Pelicans
have a large body, short legs, and large webbed feet.
Pelicans have a distinctive throat pouch.
Diet: Pelicans feed primarily on fish. Pelicans
will often work together to capture fish. Pelicans will
also eat crustaceans such as prawns and crabs, small
species of turtle and squid.
Incubation: Pelicans eggs will hatch
after 28 to 36 days.
Did You Know?
Pelicans will gather with other types
of water fowl like cormorants.
Birth: Pelicans build ground nests. Pelicans
will lay 1 to 3 eggs at a time. Pelican chicks have
a high mortality rate usually only one in two will survive.
Sexually Mature: Pelicans sexually mature between
2.5 and 3 years of age.
Life Span: Pelicans typically live 10-25
years of age.
Did You Know?
Some species of pelicans bill can hold
up to 3 gallons of water!
Social Structure: Pelicans are highly social
birds. Flocks of pelicans can contain up to 100 birds.