Wild Dogs include African Wild Dogs, Dholes and
Wild Dog Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Other Names: African Wild Dog, African
Hunting Dog, Cape Hunting Dog, Painted Dog, Painted
Wolf, Painted Hunting Dog, Spotted Dog, Asiatic
Wild Dog, Indian Wild Dog, Dingoes, Mountain Dog,
and Ornate Wolf

Wild Dog
Conservation Status:
Size: Wild dogs are typically the size of a
medium domestic dog. The African Wild dog weighs 37
to 80 pounds and measures 24 to 30 inches tall. The
Dingo weighs 22 to 33 lbs and measure 3.5 to 4 feet
long. Dholes weigh 26 to 44lbs and measures 29 to 43
inches long.
Habitat: Each of the continents Africa, Asia,
and Australia have a species of wild dogs. Africa has
the African Wild Dog, Asia has Dholes while Australia
has Dingos.
Description: African wild dogs have mottled
colorful calico coats of black, yellow and white. Dholes
vary in color from charcoal gray to rust red to sandy
Diet: African Wild Dogs prey on antelope, zebras,
wildebeest, springboks, gazelles and impala. Dholes
are opportunistic feeders and prey on animals native
to their habitat they have been known to feed on reindeer,
wild sheep and deer. Dingos will eat rabbits, rodents,
birds, and lizards. Dingos have also been known to eat
fruits and plants.
Communication: Wild dogs communicate
through howling, growls and other vocalizations.
Did You Know?
A dingo can turn its head through almost
180 degrees in each direction.
Gestation: Wild Dogs carry their young for 60
to 62 days depending on the species.
Birth: Wild dogs give birth to litters of 4
to 12 pups, some species can have up to 21 pups in a
Life Span: African Wild Dogs live up
to 10 years in the wild.
Did You Know?
African Wild Dogs are successful in
catching their prey prey 70 to 90 percent
of the time.
Social Structure: Wild dogs live and hunt in
family groups or packs.