There are 33 species of mongoose they resemble
weasels and ferrets.
Mongoose Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Herpestidae
Mongoose in Foreign Languages:
Afrikaans: muishond
Czech: mangusta
Dutch: mangoeste
Estonian: mangust
Finnish: mungo, mangusti
French: mangouste
German: Manguste, Mungo
Hungarian: mongúz
Indonesian: musang
Italian: mangusta
Japanese: mangusu
Lithuanian: mangusta
Malay: cerpelai
Navajo: dlo´'ii yil aheelt'éhígíí
Portuguese: mangusto, fuinha
Romanian: mangusta
Russian: mangúst
Slovenian: mungo
Spanish: mangosta
Swahili: nguchiro
Swedish: mungo
Turkish: firavun faresi, kuyruksüren
Size: Mongoose measure 7 to 25 inches
long and have a tail that measures 6 to 21 inches
long. Mongooses weigh between 12 oz to 11 lbs.
The dwarf mongoose is the smallest mongoose species
while the Egyptian mongoose is the largest of
the mongoose species.

Conservation Status: Some Species are
Habitat: MMongooses live in southern Asia, Africa,
and southern Europe, as well in Puerto Rico and some
Caribbean and Hawaiian islands, where they are an introduced
Description: Mongoose have long sleek bodies,
long narrow heads, short legs, and tapering tails. Mongoose
have a brown or gray grizzled fur coat. A number of
mongoose species sport striped coats or ringed tails.
Behavior: Mongoose are usuallly terrestrial
mammals, but some are semi-aquatic while other species
spend time in trees.
Diet: Mongoose are omnivores. Mongoose
eat small animals such as rodents, birds, reptiles,
frogs, insects, and worms. Mongoose will also
occasionally eat fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Did You Know?
A Mongoose can make a high-pitched
noise, known as ‘giggling’, when mating.
Birth: Female mongoose have one litter of pups
per year. The litter contains up to 4 pups. The mongoose
pups are weaned at 6 weeks of age, and will begin foraging.
Life Span: Mongoose live 20 years in
captivity. Mongoose live 7 to 12 years in the
Did You Know?
Mongooses are unaffected by snake