Pandas are large black and white bears.
Panda Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda
Species: Melanoleuca
Other Names: Panda, Giant Pandas, Cat
Panda in Foreign Languages:
Croatian: panda
Czech: panda velká
Danish: panda / kæmpepanda
Dutch: panda / pandabeer
Finnish: isopanda / jättiläispanda
/ panda / pandakarhu
French: panda
German: Panda
Greek: pánta
Hungarian: panda
Icelandic: panda / pandabjörn /
Indonesian: panda
Italian: panda
Japanese: panda
Korean: panda
Navajo: shash lizhin dóó ligaígíí
Norwegian: panda / pandabjørn /
Persian: kherse panda
Portuguese: panda
Russian: pánda
Slovene: panda
Spanish: panda
Swedish: panda / jättepanda / pandabjörn
Thai: mi-panda

Conservation Status: Endangered
Estimated: Only 1000 pandas in the wild.
Size: Adult panda bears are 4 to 6 feet long.
Male pandas weigh up to 350 lbs. Female pandas weigh
as little as 170 lbs but can weigh as much as 280 lbs.
Habitat: Giant pandas are found only in China.
Giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests
with a dense understory of bamboo. Pandas are found
at elevations between 5,000 and 10,000 feet.
Description: The giant panda has a thick, shaggy,
black-and-white coat. The build of a panda bear resembles
that of other bears, their coloring is what distinguishes
Diet: Panda bears feed almost exclusively on
bamboo. Pandas will eat for 10-16 hours a day, consuming
between 20 to 40 lbs of bamboo daily.
Communication: Pandas communicate through
sounds bleat, roar, growl, and honk.
Did You Know?
The Chinese word for Panda is "Xiongmao"
or Giant Cat Bear.
Gestation: Pandas will carry their young for
approximately 5 months.
Birth: Panda cubs are only 5 ounces at birth.
Panda cubs are born blind, white and completely helpless.
Panda cubs will nurse for 8 to 9 months.
Sexually Mature: Giant pandas reach sexual maturity
between the ages of four and eight years of age. Female
pandas mature between the ages of 4-5, while males mature
between the ages of 6 to 7 years.
Life Span: Panda bears live between 14
to 20 years in the wild. Pandas can live up to
30 years in capitivity.
Did You Know?
Bamboo is both food and shelter for
Social Structure: Adult giant pandas are generally
solitary, unless rearing young. Panda bear cubs will
stay with their mothers from one and a half to three