Cougar are large, solitary wild cats.
Cougar Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Puma
Species: Puma Concolor
Other Names: Panther, Mountail Lion, Puma,
Big Cat, Ghost Cat, Catamount, Mountain Screamer,
and Painter.
Cougar in Foreign Languages:
Cherokee: tlvdatsi
Danish: puma
Dutch: bergleeuw
Esperanto: pumo
Finnish: puuma
French: cougar
German: Puma / Berglöwe / Silberlöwe
Greek: koúgkar
Hopi: toho
Hungarian: puma
Ido: pumao
Indonesian: puma / singa gunung
Japanese: pyuuma
Javanese: puma
Mandarin: meizhoushi
Nahuatl: miztli
Navajo: náshdóítsoh
Occitan: puma
Ojibwe: mishibizhii
Persian: šire kuhi / pumâ
Polish: kuguar
Portuguese: onça-parda / puma /
suçuarana/ leão-baio / leão-da-montanha
Romanian: puma
Russian: kuguár / púma
Slovenian: puma
Spanish: puma / león americano
/ león bayo / mitzli / onza bermeja
Swedish: puma

Conservation Status:
Least Concern
Size: Cougars weigh between 150 and 230 lbs,
they are 5 - 9 feet in length.
Habitat: Cougars are found in western North
America, Central and South America. Cougars are highly
adaptable to their environment and they are found in
tropical rain forests, high mountains, conifer forests
and deserts.
Description: Cougars are buff colored large
wild cats. They are long and lean with a tail used for
Diet: Cougars have a varied diet consisting
of mice, rats, rabbits, porcupines, and larger game
including: sheep, and moose.
Communication: The Cougar does not roar,
like many wild cats. Cougars instead use hissing,
growling and chirping to communicate.
Did You Know?
Cougars have over 200 names because
they inhabit the largest geographical
region of any other cat in the World.
Gestation: Cougars carry their young for 91
Birth: Cougars give birth to litters of 2-3
cubs. Cougars nurse their young for just the first seven
weeks of their lives. Cougars will remain with their
mother for the first 18-24 months.
Sexually Mature: Cougars are considered sexually
mature between 1.5-3 years of age.
Life Span: Jaguars, grey wolves, American
black bears, and the grizzly bears all prey on
Did You Know?
Cougars are the fastest of all land
animals in North America. Cougars can
run up to 40 mph for short spurts. Cougars
can also leap 16 feet straight up and
45 feet across.
Social Structure: Cougars are mostly solitary
animals, except when mothers are raising cubs and when
males and females are mating.