The term panther, while technically referring
to all members of the large cat family including
the tiger, the lion, the jaguar, and the leopard.
Additionally the term is commonly used to specifically
designate the black panther.
Panther Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Other Names: Leopard, Jaguar, Black Leopard,
Catamounts, Mountain Lions, Painter, and Cougar
Panther in Foreign Languages:
Arabic: námir, nimr / námir 'aswad
/ fahd
Armenian: hovaz
Cherokee: tlvdatsi
Chinese Mandarin: hei bŕo/ bŕozi
/ bŕo
Croatian: pantera
Danish: panter
Dutch: panter
Esperanto: pantero
French: panthčre
German: panther / panter
Greek: pánthiras
Hungarian: fekete párduc
Italian: pantera nera
Japanese: hyo / pansa
Korean: heukpyobeom
Latvian: melna pantera
Malay: harimau kumbang
Norwegian: panter
Occitan: pantčra
Portuguese: pantera
Persian: palang
Russian: pantéra
Scottish Gaelic: paindeal
Spanish: pantera negra
Swedish: panter
Turkish: panter
Vietnamese: báo den
Wolof: segg mu ńuul

Conservation Status:
Size: Black panthers weigh 79lbs - 350lbs and
measure 43 to 75 inches long.
Habitat: Panthers are native to Asia, America
and Africa. Panthers are most commonly found in coniferous
and tropical forests, swamps or grasslands.
Description: Black panthers are large carnivorous
cats with a dark black coat.
Diet: Panthers are carnivores they feed on large
mammals like deer but they will also eat smaller animals
including rabbits and birds.
Life Span: Panthers live approximately
12-15 years.
Did You Know?
Panthers can an leap up to 20 feet.
Gestation: Panthers carry their young for 90
- 105 days.
Birth: Black panthers can be born in litters
with spotted leopards or jaguars. The black coloring
is from a recessive gene, and the rosettes typical on
a leopard or jaguars coat are not visible through the
black fur. Panther cubs weigh 16 to 35 ounces at birth.
Sexually Mature: Panthers sexually mature between
3-4 years of age.
Social Structure: Panthers are solitary animals.