Manatees are large aquatic mammals.
Manatee Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Sirenia
Family: Trichechidae
Genus: Trichechus
Other Names: Sea Cow, Sirenians, Mermaids
Manatee in Foreign Languages:
Albanian: Lopë Deti
Dutch: Zeekoe
Finnish: Manaatti
French: Lamantin
German: Manati
Latin: Manatus
Polish: Manat
Portuguese: Peixe-boi / Manati
Romanian: Lamantin
Spanish: Manatí
Swedish: Sjöko

Conservation Status:

Size: Manatee are 8 to 13 feet long and they
weigh 440 to 1,300 lbs.
Habitat: Manatees are found in the warm waters
of shallow rivers, bays, estuaries and coastal waters.
Rarely do manatees venture into waters that are below
68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Description: Manatees are large gray rotund
creatures with small pectoral flippers.
Diet: Manatee are herbivores, they spend 6-8
hours a day feeding. Manatees consume 10% to 15% of
their body weight each day. Manatees feed on water grasses,
weeds, and algae.
Communication: Manatee communicate through
sight, sound and touch.
Did You Know?
Manatees can swim miles 5 miles an
hour but they can swim 15 miles an hour
in short bursts.
Gestation: Manatees carry their young for approximately
one year.
Birth: Manatees are 3 to 4 feet long and they
are 60-70 pounds at birth. Manatee calves are born under
Sexually Mature: Female manatees sexually mature
for breeding at about 5 years old, while male manatees
sexually mature 8 years old for males.
Life Span: The average life span of the
manatee in the wild is 40 years, some will live
up to 60 years.
Did You Know?
Manatees prefer waters that are approximately
3-7 feet deep.
Social Structure: Manatees are non-aggressive
and non-territorial. Manatees are semi-social, and have
been observed in social play.