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Raccoon Gifts

The raccoon, sometimes spelled as racoon, also known as the common raccoon, North American raccoon, northern raccoon and colloquially as coon, is a medium-sized mammal native to North America.


Raccoons are small to medium sized mammals with short legs and distinctive markings.

Raccoon Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Procyonidae
Genus: Procyon
Species: lotor

Other Names: Racoon, Masked Bandit,

Raccoon in Foreign Languages:

Armenian: jrarj
Azeri: yenot
Basque: mapatxe
Belarusian: janót
Bulgarian: enót
Catalan: ós rentador
Cherokee: gvli
Chinese Mandarin: huànxióng
Czech: mýval
Danish: vaskebjørn
Dutch: wasbeer
Esperanto: lav-urso
Estonian: pesukaru
Finnish: pesukarhu
French: raton laveur
German: Waschbär / Schupp
Hindi: raikun
Hungarian: mosómedve
Icelandic: þvottabjörn
Indonesian: rakun
Italian: procione / orsetto lavatore
Japanese: araiguma
Lakota: wica
Latvian: jenots
Luxembourgish: Wäschbier
Macedonian: rakún
Navajo: tábaah ma'ii
Norwegian: vaskebjørn
Ojibwe: esiban
Polish: szop
Portuguese: guaxinim
Romanian: raton
Russian: jenót
Roman: rakun
Slovak: mýval
Slovene: rakun
Spanish: mapache / oso lavador / zorra manglera / gato manglatero
Swedish: tvättbjörn
Turkish: rakun
Ukrainian: jenót


Conservation Status:
Least Concern

Species: There are 6 recognized species of raccoon.

Size: Raccoons measure up to 3 feet in length and they weigh 8 to 20 lbs, with a bushy tail measuring 8-12 inches in length.

Habitat: Raccoons are native to North and South America. Raccoons prefer living in heavily wooded areas near a water source like rivers, lakes, or streams. Raccoons are also found in coastal marshes, mountainous areas, and even urban areas.

Description: Raccoons are known for their distinctive black "masks" and ringed tails. Raccoons have a level of dexterity that is close to that of an ape. Raccoons have stocky bodies and short legs.

Behavior: Raccoons are nocturnal. Raccoon mothers are extremely aggressive when defending their young.

Diet: Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. Raccoons will eat fruit, insects, berries, nuts, eggs, small rodents, grapes, corn, crabs, crayfish, they will also feed on garbage and trash cans in urban areas.

Communication: Raccoonsare able to produce over two hundred different sounds that they use for communication.

Did You Know?

The raccoon gets its name from the Algonquin word arakun which means "one who scratches with his hands."

Gestation: Raccoons carry their young for approximately two months.

Birth: Raccoons nest in tree hollows or empty underground dens, they will also make their homes in "urban" areas using their environment to meet their needs. Raccoons give birth to litters of 3 to 6 kits at a time.

Sexually Mature: Female raccoons become sexually mature at one year of age, while male raccoons are sexually mature at the age of two.

Life Span: Raccoons can live up to 15 years in the wild, but most only live for 5 to 6 years.

Did You Know?

Raccoons are exceptional climbers.

Social Structure: Adult raccoons are solitary, unless they are rearing their young.

Raccoon Gifts




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