Apes are the world's largest primate.
The term ape is used with several different
meanings. Ape has been used as a synonym for
monkey or for any tailless primate. The term
ape has also been used to mean any member of
the superfamily Hominoidea other than humans.
Ape Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Superfamily: Hominoidea
Other Names: anthropoid, ape, baboon,
chimpanzee, gorilla, imp, lemur, monk, orangutan,
rascal, scamp, simian, primate

Conservation Status:
Many species endangered.

Ape in Foreign Languages:
Afrikaans: aap
Arabic: qird
Armenian: kapik
Belarusian: málpa
Bulgarian: majmúna
Czech: opice
Danish: abe
Dutch: aap / apin / mensaap
Estonian: ahv
Faroese: apa
Finnish: apina / ihmisapina
French: singe / hominoïdé / singe /
Georgian: maimuni
German: Menschenaffe / Affe
Greek: píthikos
Hebrew: kof-adám
Hindi: kapi / vanar
Hungarian: majom / emberszabású / majom
Icelandic: api
Indonesian: kera
Italian: scimmia
Japanese: saru / ruijin’en
Khmer: swaa
Korean: wonsung-i / yuin-weon
Latin: simia / simius
Lithuanian: beždžiõne
Low German: Aap
Macedonian: májmun
Mandarin: wúweiyuán / lèirényuán
Mongolian: sarmagcin
Navajo: mágí
Norwegian: ape
Old English: apa
Persian: meymun / maymun / kapi
Polish: malpa / malpa czlekoksztaltna
Portuguese: macaco
Russian: gominóid
Roman: majmun
Slovakian: opica
Slovene: opica
Spanish: mono
Swedish: människoapa / apa
Turkish: insansi maymun
Ukrainian: mávpa
Size: The smallest and the most arboreal apes
are gibbons. Gibbons are termed "lesser apes".
Gibbons are 3 feet in length and weigh up to 30 lbs.
Gorillas, on the other hand are known of as "great
apes". Gorillas are the largest of the apes,
measuring up to 6 feet in length and weighing up to
400 lbs.
Habitat: Apes are native to Africa and South-east
Diet: Apes are vegetarians or omnivorous.
Most apes have a diet that consists of leaves, nuts,
seeds, fruits, grass seeds and small invertebrates.
Communication: Most apes communicate
vocally and using body language.
Did You Know?
Apes do not possess a tail, unlike
most monkeys.
Gestation: The gestation period for apes varies
from species to species.
Life Span: The life span of Apes vary
from species to species.
Did You Know?
With the exception of the gibbon
most apes are larger than monkeys.
Social Structure: Some apes gather in troops
where other species like the orangutan are solitary.