Osprey are large birds of prey.
Osprey Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Accipitriformes or Falconiformes
Family: Pandionidae
Genus: Pandion
Species: Haliaetus
Other Names: Sea Hawk, Fish Eagle or Fish
Osprey in Foreign Languages:
Afrikaans: visvalk
Basque: arrano arrantzale
Bosnian: kostolom
Breton: erer-spluj
Catalan: ŕguila pescadora
Czech: orlovec rícní
Danish: fiskeřrn
Dutch: visarend
Esperanto: fisaglo
Estonian: kalakotkas
Faroese: fiskiřrn
Finnish: sääksi / kalasääski
French: balbuzard / balbuzard pęcheur
German: Fischadler
Hungarian: halászsas
Icelandic: gjóđur
Indonesian: elang tiram
Irish: coirneach / iascaire coirneach
Italian: falco pescatore
Japanese: misago
Latvian: zivjerglis
Lithuanian: uvininkas
Low German: Fischaadler / Fischarend
Navajo: tónteel giní
Norwegian: fiskeřrn
Polish: rybolów
Portuguese: águia-pesqueira
Romanian: vultur pescar
Russian: skopá
Scots: fish hawk
Scottish Gaelic: iolair-uisge /
Slovene: ribji orel
Spanish: águila pescadora / gavilán
pescador/ guincho
Swedish: fiskgjuse / benbrytare
/ benbrĺkare
Turkish: balik kartali
Volapük: melakvil / melakvilül
Welsh: gwalch y pysgod

Conservation Status:
Special Concern
Size: An osprey's body measures 21 to 23 inches
in length, and they have a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet.
Ospreys weigh 3.1 to 4.4 lbs.
Habitat: Ospreys lives throughout the world
and can be found on all continents except Antartica.
Ospreys are found near bodies of water, like lakes,
rivers, marshes, mangroves, and along seashores
Diet: Ospreys feed on a wide variety of fish
species. Ospreys ahve sharp talons for grasping fish.
Ospreys also ocassionally prey on rodents, rabbits,
hares, amphibians, other birds, and small reptiles.
Communication: Osprey use five different
calls to communicate.
Gestation: The eggs incubate for 35-40 days.
Osprey eggs don't hatch all at once, but are staggered
in time, some of the osprey siblings are older and dominant.
Birth: Ospreys build large nests made of sticks
and other material in trees, on cliffs, and elevated
platforms. Female ospreys lay 2 - 4 eggs.
Sexually Mature: Ospreys sexually mature around
the age of 3.
Life Span: Ospreys live approximately
30 years.
Did You Know?
Osprey parents will hold back food
in order to encourage fledglings to
leave the nest.