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Spotted Hyena societies are more complex than those of other carnivorous mammals and have been reported to be remarkably similar to those of cercopithecine primates in respect to group size, structure, competition, and cooperation. One indication of hyena intelligence is that they will move their killed prey closer together to protect them from scavengers. Another indication is their strategic hunting methods.


Hyenas are scavenger dog-like mammals.

Hyena Classification:

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Hyaenidae

Other Names: hyeana, striped hyena, brown hyena, laughing hyena, hyena dog,

Hyena in Foreign Languages:

Afrikaans: hiëna
Armenian: boreni
Azeri: kaftar
Basque: hiena
Bosnian: hijena
Bulgarian: khiéna
Catalan: hiena
Czech: hyena
Danish: hyæne
Dutch: hyena
Esperanto: hieno
Estonian: hüään
Finnish: hyeena
French: hyène
Galician: hiena
German: Hyäne
Greek: íena
Hebrew: tzavoa
Hungarian: hiéna
Italian: iena
Japanese: haiéna
Korean: haiena
Kurdish: kemtyar
Lithuanian: hiena
Malay: dubuk
Mandarin: tuláng / liègou
Navajo: tééh lééchaa'í
Norwegian: hyene
Persian: kaftâr
Portuguese: hiena
Romanian: hiena / hiene
Russian: giéna
Slovenian: hijena
Spanish: hiena
Swahili: fisi sg
Swedish: hyena
Telugu: dummulagoMDi
Thai: hma-nay
Tswana: phiri
Turkish: sirtlan
Vietnamese: linh


Conservation Status: Striped and Brown Hyena have near threatened status.

Species: There are three species of hyenas.

Species Include:

Brown Hyena - Hyaena brunnea
Striped Hyena - Hyaena hyaena
Spotted Hyena - Crocuta crocuta

Size: Hyenas are 34 to 59 inches long with a tail that measures 10 to 14 inches. Hyenas weigh between 110 and 190 lbs. The spotted hyena is the largest hyena species.

Habitat: Hyenas inhabit a variety of environments including: savannas, grasslands, woodlands, forest edges, subdeserts and mountains. Hyenas are found in Africa and southern Asia.

Description: Hyenas have relatively short bodies, they have shorter and lower hind quarters, and higher withers and longer front legs. The hyenas back slopes noticeably downward. The hyenas necks are thick and short. Their coats are brown, black and tan.

Behavior: Hyenas will hunt in packs or small groups, and work to isolate prey from their herds.

Senses: Hyenas have excellent sight, hearing, and smell.

Diet: Hyenas are known for their tendency to be scavengers and opportunistic feeders. Hyenas will hunt wildebeest, antelope, or smaller game like birds, lizards, snakes, and insects. They will also steal prey from other predators.

Communication: Hyenas are social creatures and communicate using specific calls, postures and signals.

Did You Know?

The aardwolf is the hyena's closest relative.

Gestation: Hyenas carry their young for approximately 110 days.

Birth: Hyenas give birth to litters of 2-4 cubs.

Sexually Mature: Hyenas sexually mature between the ages of 2-3.

Life Span: Hyenas have an average life span of 25 years. Hyenas will live in capitivity for up to 40 years.

Did You Know?

Hyenas will eat as much as they can in one sitting, this can be up to 40 lbs of food!

Social Structure: Hyenas gather in groups called clans. Hyena clans can consist of as many as 80 members.

Hyena Gifts




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