Grizzly bears are considered by
most experts to be the most aggressive of all types
of bears. Their aggressive behavior is a natural instinct
derived from their size: They are too large to avoid
danger by climbing trees, and they historically compete
with other large predators for food. Aggressive behavior
for grizzlies during times of confrontation are natural.
Grizzly bears normally try to avoid human confrontation
and interaction, but their population has been seriously
jeopardized by excessive hunting and were placed under
federal protection under the Endangered Species Act
in 1975. Biologists estimated as few as 600-800 grizzlies
existed in the lower 48 states and declining. There
are extended efforts to help recover the grizzly bear
population back to its natural size, in its natural
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) was formed
in 1983 to help ensure recovery of grizzly bear populations
and their habitats through a coordinated effort of policy,
planning, management, and research. The IGBC consists
of members from the U.S. Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service, National Park Service. the Bureau of Land Management,
and Geological Survey. Other representatives come from
state wildlife agencies of Idaho, Montana, Washington
and Wyoming. The IGBC has become the ideal model for
agencies by coordinating and cooperating the recovery
efforts over the multiple jurisdictions that the grizzly
bear habitat spans.
The IGBC set up four main objectives: to engage top
level decision makers in a coordinated effort to recover
grizzly bears through policy and procedure; to coordinate
management and research actions, to implement the Grizzly
Bear Recovery Plan; and to implement and oversee the
management and research activities of all recovered
grizzly bears. Today, biologists estimate the population
has doubled and grizzly bears are believed to be increasing
their numbers in most recovery ecosystems. In 2007,
they were removed from the Endangered Species List.
In the 25 years of its existence, the IGBC has identified
and established five significant grizzly bear ecosystems,
several subcommittees and in-depth research teams to
learn and teach effective education and outreach programs.
Their education and outreach teaches how to avoid or
minimize bear-human conflicts, as well as the proper
directions for food storage and garbage management,
as well as domestic stock grazing management. Their
research has produced efficient bear deterrent products,
bear-resistant ice coolers and portable electric fences.
The IGBC can also officially certify products as ‘bear-resistant’
that meet their tough criteria of ensuring both grizzly
and human safety. The Tundra Series, YETI’s next generation
cooler, is made with two inches of insulation in the
body and three inches in the lid. The body of the cooler
is the same type of material used to make tough river
kayaks. The Tundra Series has a pad-lock mechanism,
and when locked allows it is be successfully certified
as bear resistant by the IGBC. The roto-molded one-piece
casing will withstand the high impact of clawing, biting,
thrashing, kicking, and cursing of any physical onslaught.
If you are still a doubter, visit their website,
to view a short Bear vs. Yeti video.
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) was formed
in 1983 to help ensure recovery of grizzly bear populations
and their habitats through a coordinated effort of policy,
planning, management, and research. Today, biologists
estimate the population has doubled and grizzly bears
are believed to be increasing their numbers in most
recovery ecosystems.
About the Author:
Ethan Luke. Coolers
- Yeti Coolers are ultra-durable coolers that will last
you years.