In 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt
was in Mississippi to settle a dispute between Louisiana
and Mississippi. While there President Roosevelt went
on a hunting trip with some of his friends. It seemed
that the President was having little success on this
outing. Realizing that issue some of the members of
the hunting party tied a small, black bear cub to a
tree for him to shoot. President Roosevelt refused to
shoot the bear.
Obviously when you are President everything you do is
fair game for the media. Word got around fast about
this escapade and the next day cartoonist, Clifford
Berryman, drew a cartoon depicting Roosevelt refusing
to shoot the bear.
A shop keeper (Morris Michtom) noticed the cartoon and
was impressed. He asked his wife Rose to make a teddy
bear to place in his shop window. Additionally he asked
the President for permission to name the stuffed bear
Teddy. The President agreed without hesitancy and the
Teddy Bear was born.
About the same time a German company owned by Margarete
Steiff, was also beginning to manufacture a stuffed
bear. Steiff teddy bears are very collectible to this
The popularity of the teddy bear grew exponentially.
Teddy bears are basic requirements for every small child
and for the child in all of us. Toy manufacturers, teddy
bear artists, and writers have discovered that teddy
bears mean business for them. Few of us can resist the
adorable creatures.
Gund is one of the predominant brands of teddy bears.
When it comes to quality it is in the same league as
The Vermont Teddy Bear Factory.
If you are inclined to do a search you will find that
there are several websites designed to cater to the
desires of teddy bear lovers and enthusiasts. From books
to art and home decorations you will find teddy bear
creations available.
As far as the teddy bears that we love to snuggle; they
come in every possible shape, size, color, fabric, and
price range imaginable. From very inexpensive to extremely
high-priced, there is a teddy bear for every budget!
Teddy bears seem to have sweet dispositions and wonderful
personalities. They can be unique and one-of-a-kind
or created in volumes and still present themselves as
if they were created just for you.
You can buy your new friend online or you can go to
a mall or the flea market, either way you will be adding
a treasure to your life. I am sure you will smile as
I do when you look at your teddy bear and children will
love him. Teddy bears really do make an ideal gift for
almost anyone!
The story about how the teddy bear got his name is
precious. It is no wonder that President Theodore Roosevelt
was well-loved!
About the Author:
If you are a teddy bear collector or you simply love
teddy bears you will want to visit the following site:
You will find lots of information about teddy bears
and teddy bear products. Check it out!