Elephants life cycle has a lot of things in common
to the life cycle of a human. Here we look into some
of the things that are alike, and some that are not.
It will shock you when you see what some of them are.
First thing that we can note that happens with elephants
are that they tend to live in small, family type of
groups that have the old females heading them. Depending
on the abundance of food in the area that they are residing,
some of the groups can join together. If this happens
though the males will tend to stick to being around
other males and the females will associate with other
females. Although quite different in one respect, this
is very similar when you think of the way that teenagers
are. They too tend to hang out in their perspective
groups the majority of the time.
However, during a certain time frame the males will
enter a period that is called "musth" and will release
a fluid that is thicker than the one that is released
normally. Musth is generally the time that reproduction
occurs, both in the wild or in tamed environments.
Once the male and the female elephant have mated, we
will find that the female elephant will carry the fetus
for a very lengthy gestation period. The period of time
that this can last ranges from 18 - 22 months in length.
The world would be a whole lot less populated if this
is what humans had to go through to have their young.
When it comes to the life cycle of an elephant, we learn
that the female elephant is in a state of pregnancy
for anywhere from 18 - 22 months. This is the longest
of any mammal on earth. When they have the baby, it
weighs over 200 lbs. The baby elephant will use their
mouth to get milk from their mother, and continue to
nurse for quite some time. The baby elephants can take
a long time when it comes to weaning and often they
are weaned off due to their mother being unable to tolerate
the pokes from the tusks that they have developing.
Continuing through the elephants life cycle we find
that the female elephant will continue to have young
until they are around 50 years of age. Keep in mind
that they are unable to get impregnated again before
a minimum 2 years and 6 months after giving birth, and
sometimes this can extend to 4 years. Humans do not
have to wait this long at all if they do not want to.
As an elephant ages they also are found to develop some
of the diseases that are common to humans as they get
older. Arthritis and cardiovascular ailments are two
in particular that they can find to have as they age.
But as we continue through elephants life cycle we see
that this does not hinder the length of time that they
live. Many of them live until they are at least 70 years
old. There are some that die earlier, but a lot of this
could be prevented as many of them are killed by illegal
poaching that is done in the areas that they live.
Elephants life cycle has a lot of things in common
to the life cycle of a human. Here we look into some
of the things that are alike, and some that are not.
It will shock you when you see what some of them are.
About the Author
Find more information on elephants
and the fascinating world of their life cycle on Andrew
Keets website about these wonderful animals.