Meerkat Facts
The scientific name for the Meerikat is Suricata Suricatta.
Meerkats are also sometimes called Suricates.
Meerkats are part of the mongoose family, like others
in the mongoose family they live on the ground sheltering
in burrows. Meerkats are found in south western Africa.
Their habitat is primarily semi-desert scrub and possibly
woodland but they prefer open stony country. Meerkats
are carnivores.
Meerkats are silvery brown with distinctive bands.
Meerkats are 10 -14 inches long and their tail can be
6 1/2 -10 inches long. Meerkats have small pointed ears
and dark circles around their eyes, they have a pointed
nose and a long slender tail that darkens at the tip.
Meerkats have long sharp claws on their front legs that
they use for burrowing and rooting out food items. Meerkat
often stand on their hind legs to check their surroundings.
Meerkats are sociable and live in colonies of up to
30. Meerkats use sharp barks and growls to indicate
threats to the rest of their group. Meerkats live in
family groups that range in size from 10 to 30. Within
the group each meerkat has its own job. Meerkats work
in teams. Some meerkats will remain behind guarding
and caring for the young, while others hunt for lizards,
birds and even snakes.
Meerkat mating is preceded by mock fights. Meerkat
gestation is 11 weeks and they give birth to 2-5 babies
at a time.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound