Facts about Monkeys
Monkeys do not catch colds.
The smallest monkey is the pygmy marmoset only measuring
5-6 inches.
The male howler Monkey is the loudest land animal,
its “howl” can be heard at a distance of ten miles.
Monkeys are excellent swimmers but most monkeys prefer
not to swim at all.
Monkeys learn from each other, and will often mimic
Monkey’s groom each other both for cleanliness and
social Monkey’s are primates.
Primates are a group of mammals characterized by having
five fingers on their hands to enable them to grasp
objects and food.
rimates are usually erect mammals with a spine, large
eyes and good vision, and a relatively large brain in
relation to their body weight.
Like human’s monkey have unique fingerprints that
are different from other monkeys.
Monkeys show feelings of affection
Monkeys are very smart and learn from each other.
Monkeys live for 20 years or more.
The fur of monkeys offers protection from rain, wind
and insects.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals http://www.wildlife-animals.com
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound http://www.dog-pound.net