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Shark Gifts

Well-known species such as the great white shark, tiger shark, and the hammerhead are apex predators, at the top of the underwater food chain. Their extraordinary skills as predators fascinate and frighten humans, even as their survival is under serious threat from fishing and other human activities.

What do Sharks Eat?

What do Sharks Eat?

Shark attacks are very rare, and very few species of shark have ever attacked humans. People are more likely to be killed by lightning, or a bee sting, than to be attacked by a shark. However, when a shark does attack, it is devastating. The teeth of a shark vary in shape and size from specie to specie, but some teeth can reach lengths of 2.5 inches. The teeth of the extinct megaladon shark reached lengths of over 7 inches.

The bite of a shark can rip into its prey with the force of several tons. Sharks have exceptionally powerful jaws, filled with rows and rows of teeth. They use their powerful jaws for tearing off large chunks of flesh. For example, with a single bite, a great white shark can tear off 31 pounds of flesh. However, not all sharks are carnivorous. Some shark species survive off plankton, like the two largest shark species: the whale shark and the basking shark. Other species, like the tiger shark, will eat almost anything.

About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also guest writes for Dog Pound

Shark Gifts




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