Skunk Facts
- The scientific name of the striped skunk, Mephitis
Mephitis is derived from a Latin word that means “poisonous
- Skunks live in Indonesia, the Philippines, and the
- There are 10 subspecies of skunks, divided into
4 genera: hooded and striped skunks, spotted skunks,
stink badgers and hog-nosed skunks.
- Skunks are omnivorous.
- Skunks cannot see clearly any objects more than
10 feet away, making them particularly vulnerable to
- A baby skunk is called a kit
- Fewer than 10% of skunks survive for longer than
3 years, although captive skunks live much longer.
- Skunks only carry enough spray for 5 to 6 uses,
and require 10 days to resupply their store.
- Many animals don’t attack skunks, out of fear of
being sprayed. However, the great horned owl has a nearly
non-existent sense of smell, and has no issue attacking
a skunk.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound