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Sloth Gifts

Sloths move only when necessary and even then very slowly: they have about a quarter as much muscle tissue as other animals of similar weight. They can move at a marginally higher speed if they are in immediate danger from a predator (4 m or 13 feet per minute for the three-toed sloth), but they burn large amounts of energy doing so.

Three-Toed Sloths

Three-Toed Sloths

Maned Three-Toed Sloths are located in Brazil, in the tropical rain forests.

Maned Three-Toed Sloths has small head, eyes and ears with a darker mane and a stub like tail. The Mane Three-Toed Sloths is 18-20 inches and weighs 7 3/4 -8 3/4 lbs. Maned Three-Toed Sloths grayish brown mottled coat with coarse fur that helps camouflage the sloth from predators. Maned Three-Toed Sloths are active at both night and day. The Maned Three-Toed Sloths have three hooked claws on both their front and back legs.

Sloths are herbivores eating leaves, twigs, buds and fruit. Sloths find leaves using both smell and touch. A sloths movements are very sluggish and slow.

Sloths live a solitary life, except for when they are breeding. Gestation for Maned Three-Toed Sloths is 5-6 months, and they usually have single births.

The Maned Three-Toed Sloths are endangered due to the destruction of the rain forest.

About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also guest writes for Dog Pound

Sloth Gifts




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