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Tiger Gifts

Highly adaptable, tigers range from the Siberian taiga, to open grasslands, to tropical mangrove swamps. They are territorial and generally solitary animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey demands. The most numerous tiger subspecies is the Bengal tiger while the largest subspecies is the Siberian tiger.

Bengal Tigers

About Bengal Tigers

The Bengal tiger, also known as the royal Bengal tiger, is the most common species of tiger. The taxonomic name Panthera tigris typically refers to the Bengal tiger, but more specifically, the Bengal tiger is scientifically named Panthera tigris tigris. Despite its relative abundance, the Bengal tiger has been classified as an endangered species since the year 2010, with only about 2,500 Bengal tigers remaining in the wild.

As an endangered species, the Bengal tiger has a relatively small range in the wild. It is most numerous in India, where roughly 1,700-1,900 individuals reside. Its second largest natural population of 440 individuals can be found in Bangladesh. Small populations of the Bengal tiger may also be found in Nepal, where between 160 and 250 individuals live, and Bhutan, where only 67 to 81 Bengal tigers reside. The preferred habitat of the Bengal tiger is grasslands and forests.

The Bengal tiger boasts the pale orange or yellow coat and black stripes typically associated with tigers, featuring white marks on its face and on the interior of its limbs. However, a mutation can produce an entirely white Bengal tiger. This condition is not albinism, and causes affected tigers to have blue eyes. Though this mutation is rare in the wild, it is relatively common in zoos due to its popularity. Though there are no natural health defects associated with having a white coat, this fact causes the inbreeding of many white Bengal tigers which causes them to live shorter and less healthful lives.

An adult male Bengal tiger can reach an impressive weight of 717 pounds and length of about 11 feet at a maximum, though the average weight is closer to 500 pounds. Female Bengal tigers are smaller than their male counterparts with an average weight of around 300 pounds. The weight of a Bengal tiger can vary from its average by at least 50 pounds in either direction, and depends on the region in which the tiger lives.

An exclusive carnivore, the Bengal tiger hunts for its food. The Bengal tiger's preferred prey is large ungulates, though it also hunts and eats wild boar. Smaller animals make up only a very small part of its diet, which includes porcupines, peacocks, and hares. Because human activity has encroached on much of the Bengal tiger's natural range, the Bengal tiger may also hunt livestock kept by humans.

The Bengal tiger is a fairly solitary animal, with most adults living and hunting alone within their own ranges and only rarely congregating with other tigers. An exception to this trend is the tendency of female Bengal tigers to remain with their young offspring.

About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals an educational wildlife and animal website.

Tiger Gifts




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