In general, tigers tend to avoid each other rather
than fight. When tigers do fight, they seldom fight
to the death, but injuries may occur that later cause
death. Both male and female tigers will fight other
tigers if necessary to defend, expand, or acquire a
territory. Male tigers may fight another male if both
are attracted to the same breeding female. Male tigers
may occasionally attack and kill young tiger cubs. Conversely,
female tigers will attack male tigers and other predators
to protect their young.
Tigers are essentially solitary animals, except for
courting pairs and females with young. Tigers with adjoining
ranges may have friendly relationships, but even individuals
with overlapping ranges usually keep 2 to 5 km (1-3
mi.) apart. Though they hunt alone, tigers sometimes
share their kills with other tigers. Female tigers regularly
share kills with their young dependent cubs. Sibling
tigers, when learning how to hunt independently in their
mother's range, occasionally share kills. Male and female
tigers may share a kill during courtship.
Groups of two or more tigers, of various ages and sexes,
may share a kill if food is plentiful. These aggregations
are most often observed at manmade feeding stations
where prey is regularly provided (to attract tigers).
When young tiger cubs share a kill with each other and/or
their mother, they often feed simultaneously. When adult
tigers share a kill, usually only one tiger feeds at
a time.
Tigers are essentially nocturnal. Most tigers are active
and moving primarily at night (sunset to sunrise). Night
activities include hunting (a tiger's prey is also active
at night), patrolling and marking home ranges, courting
mates, and tending to young. These same activities may
also occur during the day, but less frequently. If hunting
is unsuccessful during the night, a hungry tiger will
hunt during the day. Mother tigers will also hunt during
the day to provide enough food for their cubs.
Tigers are least active from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.
Activity steadily decreases after sunrise, reaching
its lowest point at mid-day. Movement gradually increases
again until the hour before sunset, when the majority
of tigers are active. Mid-morning to mid-afternoon is
the hottest part of the day. To stay cool, tigers often
rest in dense vegetation, or lie along, and in, streams
and rivers. Most daily movements take place on land,
but tigers are also good swimmers. Tigers can easily
cross rivers 6 to 8 km (4-5 mi.) wide, and have been
known to swim distances of up to 29 km (18 mi.).
In general, tigers tend to avoid each other rather
than fight. When tigers do fight, they seldom fight
to the death, but injuries may occur that later cause
About the Author
Keith Londrie II is the Webmaster of
A website that specializes in providing information
on tigers
that you can research on the internet at your own pace.