Overview of the Canadian Geese
The Canada Goose is a wild goose is native to the arctic
and temperate regions of North America. They are primarily
black, brown and white. They have a black head and neck,
white patches on the face, and a brownish-gray body.
They are usually 3 feet long, with wingspans of 6-7
feet. They can weigh from 7 to 14 pounds, and can be
aggressive, especially when defending their territory.
An unusually large specimen of the giant Canada goose
race, weighed 24 pounds with a wingspan of 7.3 feet,
which is the largest goose recorded of any species.
The female is identical to the male, but usually 10%
smaller, weighing between 5 and 12 pounds, and has a
different honk. Their average lifespan is between 10
and 24 years, and like most geese they are naturally
migratory. They primarily winter in the United States.
They are herbivores, although they will eat small insects
and fish on occasion. They are now the most common waterfowl
species in North America, and in many areas are now
regarded as pests.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals http://www.wildlife-animals.com
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound http://www.dog-pound.net