Giant Anteater
The giant Anteateris a subspecies of Anteaterthat
can grow up to 4 feet (excluding the tail) in length.
The giant Anteater(and the other subspecies) feed on
ants and termites, and can consume over 30,000 insects,
plus their eggs and larvae, in a single day. The giant
Anteaters incredible tongue (which can be nearly 2
feet long) can be flicked in and out of the Anteaters
mouth up to 150 times a minute.
Habitat destruction is the primary threat to giant anteaters.
They are listed as a vulnerable species; it is estimated
that there are only 5,000 in the wild, and only 90 in
zoos across the United States.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound