Sea Otter Facts
The Sea Otter’s scientific name is Enhydra Lutris.
The Sea Otter is a the smallest marine mammal. The Sea
Otter lives and feeds in the northern Pacific Ocean
to central California Ocean along the coastlines. The
Sea Otter is an endangered species and is now a legally
protected species.
Sea Otters have flipper-like hind feet and a long dense
coat, with straw colored fur on it’s head. Sea Otters
are up to 3 feet long with a tail of up to 13 inches.
Sea Otters have excellent vision for seeing underwater,
a rudder-like tail and thick dense fur to insulate it.
Sea Otters have big rounded teeth. Sea Otters are able
to dive to depths of 98 feet.
The Sea Otter eats abalone, sea urchins and clams.
The sea otter is a very clever animal, in that it will
use a “tool” to help it get food. Sea otters collect
clams and sea urchins in the ocean then it will bang
the hard shells against a stone until the shell cracks
and it can get the soft meat inside. Sea Otters are
often seen floating on their back and eating the soft
meat inside a clam using their stomach as a table.
The Sea Otter spends the majority of it’s time in the
ocean, often hiding amoung huge beds of kelp and seaweed.
The Sea Otter will even entangle itself in the kelp
so it does not drift out to sea while its sleeping.
Sea Otters are very social creatures and live in groups.
Sea Otter have a gestation of four months they give
birth to one young at a time.
About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals
an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also
guest writes for Dog Pound